woensdag 13 mei 2020

unrealistic sulk puppy

Vandaag las ik volgend artikel op het nieuws:

 Rescuers pinpoint location of injured walker on Flinders Island using what3words service
When a 67-year-old walker on a remote Tasmanian island injured herself on a windy cliff-face, her companions went to call for help.

They managed to find mobile reception and called emergency services, but could not describe where they were.
Responders sent them a link via SMS to a service called what3words, which converted their exact location into three words.
Mick Fawcett from Ambulance Tasmania told ABC Radio Hobart unknown locations could cause unnecessary delays.
"[What3words is] a really simple way to talk about your location," Mr Fawcett said.
The service turns each three metre square patch of the world into a unique three word address.
Just like GPS coordinates can be used to pinpoint an exact location using numbers, each combination of words is unique and relates to only one place on the planet.

"It doesn't replace our current means of confirming your location, it's just another tool to confirm where our patients are, especially in a wilderness situation."
Earlier this year, Ambulance Tasmania became the first Australian ambulance service to use what3words to locate a patient.

Rescue success in three words

The rescued walker had a fall and injured her leg on the northernmost tip of Flinders Island.
"All they had to do was click on [the link in the SMS] and read out the three words to the call taker," Mr Fawcett said.

"We put that into the system and confirmed their exact location."
The team then identified they would need to send a 4WD ambulance and a police vehicle.
The patient was found and transferred to a Flinders Island health facility.
Mr Fawcett said long GPS coordinates could cause stress and confusion for some people.
Any walker going to a remote location without phone reception is advised to take an EPIRB.

Ik had nog nooit van dat systeem gehoord!! Maar eigenlijk zou ik de app moeten downloaden om dit onherbergzame land te overleven. :-)

En natuurlijk heb ik al heel wat adresjes nagekeken. Probeer het hier zelf.

1 opmerking:

  1. Super. Dank je wel voor de tip. Zal het eens hier met de jongens over hebben. Die hiken/backpacken nogal graag.
    Lieve grtjes Liana
